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  1. CABALLERO, Manuel Fernandez (Murcia, 14 MAR 1835 - 1906)Sp
  2. CABANILLES, Juan Bautista Jose (Algernesi, 1644 - Valencia, 1712)Sp=comp-organist
  3. CABEZON, Antonio de (Castrillo de Matajudios, 1510 - Madrid, 1566)Sp (blind)
  4. CABEZON, Hernando de (1541-1602)
  5. CACCINI, Francesca (1587 - c.1640)
  6. CACCINI, Giulio (JEW' lee oh kah CHEE' nee) (8 OCT 1551 - 10 DEC 1618)
  7. CADMAN, Charles Wakefield (Johnstown, PA, 1881 - LA, 1946)AM=comp-organist
  8. CAFARO, Pasquale (1708-1787)
  9. CAGE, John (KAYg) (LA, 5 SEP 1912 - 12 AUG 1992)Am=comp-P
  10. CAIMO, Guiseppe (1540-1584)
  11. CALACE, Raffaele (1863-1934)
  12. CALATUYUD, Bartolome ( - )
  13. CALDARA, Antonio (Venice, c.1670 - Vienna, 1736)It
  14. CALISTA, Lelio (c.1650)It
  15. CALLAHAN, Charles ( - )AM=COM-Organist
  16. CALLCOTT, John (1766-1821)
  17. CALTABIANO, Ronald ( 1959 - )Comp
  18. CALTEBIANO, Sebastiano (1899-1987)
  19. CALVERT, Morely ( - )Canadian=Comp
  20. CAMBINI, Giuseppe Maria ( Livorno, 13 FEB 1746 - Bicetre, 29 DEC 1825) It= 60 syms, 149 SQs, operas, oratorios and ballets. (Baker's Bios indicates he died in an almshouse).
  21. CAMBIO, Perissone (c. 1500)Fr
  22. CAMIDGE, Matthew (1758-1844)
  23. CAMILLERI, Charles Mario (Hamrun, Malta, 1931 - )
  24. CAMPIAN, Thomas (Witham, Essex, 12 FEB 1567 - Witham, 1620)Eng=comp-lawyer-doctor
  25. CAMPION, Francois (c.1680-1748)
  26. CAMPRA, Andre ( Aix-en-Provence, 4 DEC 1660 - Versailes, 1744)Fr
  27. CANNABICH, Johann Christian (Mannheim, 1731 - Frankfurt, 1798)Ger=comp-V-cond
  28. (((CANADIAN COMPOSERS))) French Canadian New Music Site
  29. CANELOUBE De Calaret, Marie-Joseph (1879-1957)
  30. CANNON, Jack Philip (Paris, 1929 - )Eng=comp-cond
  31. CANTELOUBE, Marie Joseph (aka Canteloupe de Malaret) (Annonay, 1879 - Paris, 1957)
  32. CAPET, Lucien (Paris, 1873 - Paris, 1928)Fr=V-comp
  33. CAPILUPE, Geminiano (Modena, c.1580 - Modena, - 1616)It
  34. CAPIROLA, Vincenzo (1474-c.1548)
  35. CAPLET, Andre (Le Harve, 1878 - Paris, 1925)Fr=cond-comp-arr
  36. CAPUZZI, Giuseppe Antonio (Brescia, 1755 - Bergamo, 1818)It=V-comp
  37. CARA, Marchetto (c.1470-c.1525)
  38. CARABELLA, Ezio (Rome, 1891 - Rome, 1964)It
  39. CARASTATHIS, Aris (1957-)
  40. CARCAS, Gillian ( - )Eng
  41. CARDEW, Cornelius (Winchcombe, 1936 - )Eng=comp-G
  42. CARDOSO, Manuel (Fronteira do Alemtejo, 1566 - Lisbon, 1650) Port=comp-organist
  43. CARDON, Jean-Baptiste (1760-1803)
  44. CAREY, Henry (Londo, c.1690 - Clerkenwell, 1743)Eng
  45. CARISSIMI, Giacomo (Marino, Rome, 18 APR 1605 - Rome, 12 JAN 1674)It
  46. CARLID, Gote (18 APR 1805 - 12 JAN 1674)
  47. CARLOS, Wendy formerly Walter ( - )Synthesizer composer
  48. CARLTON, Nicholas (c.1500 - )Eng
  49. CARLTON, Richard (c. 1558 - c.1638)Eng
  50. CARNES, Michael (1950 - )
  51. CAROSO, Fabrizio (c.1530 - c.1625)It
  52. CARPENTER, Gary (1951 - )
  53. CARPENTER, John Alden (Park Ridge, IL, 28 FEB 1876 - Chicago, 26 APR 1951)Am
  54. CARR, Richard ( St. Louis, - )Am
        Richard Carr composer/pianist
  55. CARRILLO, Julian (Ahualuco, Mex., 1875 - San Angel, 1965)Mex
  56. CARTER, Elliot Cook(NYC, 11 DEC 1908 - )Am
  57. CARULLI, Ferdinando (Naples, 1770 - Paris, 1841)It=comp-G
  58. CARVALHO, Eleazar de (Iguatu, Ceara, 1915 - )Braz=cond-comp
  59. CARVALHO Joao de Sousa (Alentejo, c. 1730 - Lisbon, 1798)Port
  60. CARVER, Robert (c.1484-c.1568)
  61. CARWITHEN, Doreen (1922-)Eng
  62. CARY, Tristram Ogilvie (Oxford, 1925 -)Eng=comp-perc
  63. CARYLL, Ivan Felix Tilkin (Liege, 1861 - NYC, 1921)Belg-Am
  64. CASADESUS, Henri Gustave (1879-1947)
  65. CASALI, Giovanni Battista (Rome, 1715 - Rome, 1791)It
  66. CASALS, Pablo (Vendrell, Catalonia, 29 DEC 1876 - Rio Piedras, PR, 1973) )Sp=Cellist-Comp-cond-P
  67. CASANOVES, Narcis (1747-1799)
  68. CASAVOLA, Franco (Modugno, 1891 - Bari, 1955)It
  69. CASELLA, Alfredo (Turin, 25 JUL 1883 - Rome, 5 MAR 1947) (kah SEL'lah)It=Comp-arr
  70. CASIOLINI, Claudio (Rome, 1670 - )It
  71. CASKEN, John (Barnsley, 15 JUL 1949 - )Scot
  72. CASSADO, Gaspar (Barcelona, 1897 - Madrid, 1966)Sp=cel-comp
  73. CASTELLON, Compos Sabicus Agustin (1912-1990)
  74. CASTELNUOVO-TEDESCO, Mario (kas tel new OH' VOH tah DES' koh) (Florence, 3 APR 1895 - Hollywood, CA, 16 MAR 1968)It 'Artsong' Biog. ~ Otero Biog. ~ Photo Gallery
  75. CASTIGLIONI, Nccolo (Milan, 1932 - )It=comp-P
  76. CASTILLO, Ricardo (1894 - 1966)
  77. CASTILLON de Saint-Victor, Marie-Alexis (1838-1873)
  78. CASTRO, Jean de (1540 - 1599)
  79. CASTRO, Juan Jose ( Avellaneda, 1895 - Buenos, Aires, 1968)Arg=comp-cond
  80. CATALANI, Alfredo (Lucca, 19 JUN 1854 - Milan, 7 AUG 1893)It
  81. CATEL, Charles-Simon (1773-1830)
  82. CATO, Diomedes (c.1560-c.1610)
  83. CATOIRE, Georgi Lvovitch (1861-1926)
  84. CAUDELLA, Eduard (1841-1924)
  85. CAURROY, Francois Eustache de (Gerberoy, 1549 - Paris, 1609)Fr
  86. CAUSTON, Thomas (c.1520-1569)
  87. CAVALIERI, Emilio del (kah val YAIR' ee) c1550 - Rome, 11 MAR 1602)It
  88. CAVALLI, Pietro Francesco (kah VAH' lee) (Crema, 14 FEB 1602 - Venice, 14 JAN 1676)It
  89. CAVALLINI, Ernesto (1807-1874)
  90. CAVAZZONI, Marc Antonio de Bologna (1490-c.1560)
  91. CAVENDISH, Michael (c. 1565 - c. 1628)Eng
  92. CAVOS, Catterino (1775-1840)
  93. CAZDEN, Norman (NYC, 1914 -)Am=comp-P
  94. CAZZATI, Maurizio (Guastalla, c.1620 - Mantua, 1677)It=comp-organist
  95. CEBALLOS, Rodrigo (c.1530-1581)
  96. CECERE, Carlo (1706-1761)
  97. CELIBIDACHE, Sergiu (Roman, 1912 - )Romanian=comp-cond
  98. CELLIER, Alfred (1844-1891)
  99. CEREROLS, Juan (Martorell, 1618 - Montserrat, 1676)Sp Catalan
  100. CERHA, Frederich (Vienna, 17 FEB 1926 - )Austrian=comp-V
  101. CERNOHORSKY, Bohuslav Matej (c.1684-c.1742)
  102. CERTON, Pierre (c.1510 - Paris, 1572)Fr
  103. CERVANTES, Ignacio (1847-1905)
  104. CERVETTI, Sergio (1940-)
  105. CESTI, Marc Antonio (CHES' tee) (1623-1669)
  106. CHABRIER, Emmanuel (Shah bree A') (Ambert, Puy-de-Dome, 18 JAN 1841 - Paris, 1894)Fr=comp-P-cond
  107. CHADWICK, George Whitefield (Lowell, MA, 1854 - Boston, 1931)AM=comp-organist-cond
  108. CHAGRIN, Francis (aka Alexander Pauker) (Bucharest, 1905 - London, 1972)Roum=comp-cond
  109. CHAILLY, Luciano (1920 - )
  110. CHAMBONNIERES, Jacques Champion (1602 - Paris, 1672)Fr=comp-harpschd
  111. CHAMINADE, Cecile ( Paris, 8 AUG 1857 - Monte Carlo, 13 APR 1944)Fr==comp-P
  112. CHAPI, Lorente Ruperto (Villena, 27 MAR 1851 - Madrid, 1909)Sp
  113. CHAPPLE, Brian (London, 1945 - )Eng
  114. CHARPENTIER, Gustave (shar pahn tee A) (Dieuze, 25 JUN 1860 - Paris, 1956)Fr
  115. CHARPENTIER, Marc Antoine (Paris, 1645 - Paris, 1704)Fr
  116. CHASINS, Abram (NYC, 1903 - )Am=P-comp-PD, WQXR
  117. CHATBURN, Thomas (Blythe, 1941 - )Eng
  118. CHAUSSON, Ernest (er NEST' shah SOHN') (Paris, 20 JAN 1855 - Limay, 1899)Fr
  119. CHAVEZ, Carlos (KAR' lowse SHAH' vase) (Mexico City, 13 JUN 1899 - Mexico City, 2 AUG 1978)Mex=comp-cond
  120. CHEDEVILLE, Nicolas (1705-1782)
  121. CHEDRIN, Rodion [SEE:SCHEDRIN, RODION](roh dee OHN shhcheh DREEN) ( - )Rus
  122. CHELARD, Hippolyte Andre Jean Baptiste (Paris, 1789 - Weimar, 1861)Fr=comp-V
  123. CHEMIN-PETIT, Hans (Potsdam, 1902 - )Ger=comp-cond
  124. CHEN, Gang (gahng chun) ( - )Ch
  125. CHENEY, Amy Marcy (CHAY nee) ( - )
  126. CHEREPNIN, Alexander (1899-1977)
  127. CHERUBINI, Luigi (Kair oo BEE' nee) (Florence, 14 SEP 1760 - Paris, 1842)It
  128. CHESNOKOV, Paul Grigoryevich (1877-1944)
  129. CHEVILLARD, Camille (aka Paul Alexandre) (Paris, 1859 - Chatou, 1923)Fr=cond-comp
  130. CHEVREUILLE, Raymond (Brussels, 1901 - )Belg.
  131. CHILCOT, Thomas (Bath, 1766 - )Eng=organist-comp
  132. CHILD, Peter (1953 )
  133. CHILD, William (Bristol, 1606 - Windsor, 1697)Eng=comp-organist
  134. CHIN, U (14 JUL - )Korean
  135. CHISHOLM, Erik (Glasgow, 1904 - Rondebosh, SA, 1965)Scot=cop-P-cond
  136. CHOP, Max (Grenszen, 1862 - Berlin, 1929)Ger=comp-educator
  137. CHOPIN, Frederic (freh deeh REEK sho PAHn) (Zelazowa Wola, 1 MAR 1810 - Paris, 1849)Fr
  138. CHORZEMPA, Daniel (Minneapolis, 1944 - )Am=comp-organist-P
  139. CHRISTOU, Yannis (Heliopolis, Egypt, 1926 - Athens, 1970)Gr
  140. CHU, Wanhua (WHAN hwah CHOO) ( _ )Kor
  141. CHUCKERBUTTY, Wilson Oliphant Soorjo Alexander (1884 - 1960)
  142. CHUECA, Frederico (Madrid, 5 MAY 1846 - Madrid, 1908)Sp
  143. CHURCH, John (Windsor, 1675 - London, 1741)Eng
  144. CHRISTIANSEN, Asger Lund (1927 - )
  145. CIAIA, Azzolino Bernardino della (Siena, 1671 - Siene, 1755)It=comp-organist-organ builder
  146. CIAMPI, Legrenzio Vincenzo (Piacenza, 1719 - Venice, 1762)It
  147. CICONIA, Johannes (Liege, c.1335 - 1411)Belg
  148. CIFARIELLO, Ciardi, Fabio (1960 - )
  149. CIFRA, Antonio (Terracina, 1575 - Loreto, 1629)It
  150. CIKKER, Jan (Banska Bystrica, 1911 - )cz
  151. CILEA, Francesco (fran CHES koh chee LAY ah) (Palmi, Calabria, 1866 - Varazza,1950)It
  152. CIMA, Giovanni Paolo (c.1570 - )It=comp-organist
  153. CIMARA, Pietro (1887-1967)
  154. CIMAROSA, Domenico (CHEE mar OH' sah) (Naples, 17 DEC 1749 - Venice, 11 JAN 1801)It
  155. CIMELLO, Tomaso (c.1500-c.1580)
  156. CIRRI, Giovanni Battista (1724-1808)
  157. CIURLIONIS, Mikolajus Konstantinas (MEE koh laws choor LYOH nees kon stan TEE nahs) (1875 - 1911)

"C" Composers Continued

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